A new all in one jailbreaking software has been released by @comex named Spirit Jailbreak. The software can jailbreak (and not unlock) all the iPhones (2G, 3G and 3GS), iPod Touch(1G, 2G and3G) and iPad (WiFi and Edge) running latest firmwares. The jailbreak is untethered, which means that you can reboot your device without the need of a computer. However, there are two problems:
- No Hacktivation. The device must already be activated, which means the device should not be at “Emergency calls only” or “Connect to iTunes” screen.
- No unlock support. If you need unlock, do not go near this. You will loose unlock, possibly forever. The current versions of blackra1n and ultrasn0w are not compatible with latest firmwares.
And as usual, here is the step by step guide:
Note: Windows Vista and 7 users may get an error c0000005. To resolve this, run the program in “Windows 98/ME” compatibility mode.
Do not jailbreak until you have saved your SHSH blob. If you did so, you’ll not be able to restore to older versions of firmware and hence may not be able to unlock. to save your SHSH blob, read this: http://www.redmondpie.com/save-shsh-blobs-ecid-shsh-iphone-3.1.3-ipad-3.2-9140709/
- Download Spirit from http://spiritjb.com/
- Download the latest version of iTunes
- Backup your device
- Launch Spirit. Click on the jailbreak button
- Wait for few seconds. You’ll see the confirmation image
Congratulations. You’ve successfully jailbreaked your iDevice. 🙂