Radio for Ants



The physicists from University of California, Berkley, have built radio for ants!! ahh… actually, it is a a single carbon nanotube which is one ten-thousandth the diameter of a human hair, which roughly means that it can be appropriately settled on an ant’ palm and it requires only a battery and earphones to tune in to your favorite radio station. Here’s a screenshot telling the way it goes:

make sure you watch the amazing video over here.

Functional across a bandwidth widely used for commercial radio, the tiny device could have applications far beyond novelty, from radio-controlled devices that could flow in the human bloodstream to highly efficient, minuscule, cell phone devices.

[Submitted by Imran Asad]

Currently, the nanoradio is configured as a receiver but it can also work as a transmitter, is 100 billion times smaller than the first commercial radios, and could be used in any number of applications – from cell phones to microscopic devices that sense the environment and relay information via radio signals. The guys behind this breakthrough are: Professor Alex Zettl, a graduate student Kenneth Jensen, and other colleagues in UC Berkeley’s Center of Integrated Nanomechanical Systems (COINS) and in the Materials Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). COINS is a Nanoscale Science and Engineering Research Center supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Following were the sayings from of Alex Zetl:

I hate to sound like I’m selling a Ginsu knife – But wait, there’s more! It also slices and dices! – but this one nanotube does everything; it performs all radio functions simultaneously and extremely efficiently. It’s ridiculously simple – that’s the beauty of it

as quoted by nanotech-now. Also, authors made following amazing statement in their paper(published online, Wednesday, Oct. 31 by the journal Nano Letters. The paper will appear in the print edition of Nano Letters later in November.):

The nanotube radio may lead to radical new applications, such as radio-controlled devices small enough to exist in a human’s bloodstream.

Zettl’s team assembles the nanoradios very simply, too. From nanotubes copiously produced in a carbon arc, they glue several to a fixed electrode. In a vacuum, they bring the electrode within a few microns of a second electrode, close enough for electrons to jump to it from the closest nanotube and create an electrical circuit. To achieve the desired length of the active nanotube, the team first runs a large current through the nanotube to the second electrode, which makes carbon atoms jump off the tip of the nanotube, trimming it down to size for operation within a particular frequency band. Connect a battery and earphones, and voila! [via nanotech-now]

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