Tag Archives : iphone

Take Four MegaPixels Picture Using iPhone

Take Four MegaPixels Picture Using iPhone

There are many tools available for enhancing the picture quality in iPhone, But ClearCam is certainly different. It takes multiple pictures of 2MP from your iPhone, and turns it into a 4MP picture.The enhanced mode can take up 6 pictures and combine them to improvce the quality.Apart from this, the...
Filed in: Mobiles
Solar Powered iPhone Case

Solar Powered iPhone Case

Of all the cool cases available in plenty for your iPhone, this one surely is the best. Forgetting its ungainly looks for a moment, this cool gadget can juice up your iPhone using Solar power!It’ll be useful in remote areas where alternate sources of power are hard to find. The leather case conceals...
Filed in: Gadgets
Can Android create a iPhone killer?

Can Android create a iPhone killer?

First Android-based phone: HTC dream frm T-mobile debuts today First Android-based phone: HTC dream frm T-mobile debuts today.The new smart phone, HTC Dream from T-Mobile will be the first handset to run Google’s new mobile operating system, Android. while it won’t look as sleek as the...
Filed in: Mobiles
ASUS  New Phone Screenshots Leaked

ASUS New Phone Screenshots Leaked

It looks like ASUS is in to give some competition to iPhone.As seen in the pictures leaked to the Mobile01 forums, Asus is planning to make an iPhone-is device that will feature a large touchscreen, a 5-megapixel camera, a trackball for non-touch navigation, and will be 3G ready too.Although nothing...
Filed in: Mobiles
Google Phones CONFIRMED

Google Phones CONFIRMED

ALAS! THE RUMORS ARE TRUE So it seems that the oft-rumored handset from Google has taken that final leap into the “confirmed” column, though it may not be quite the be-all, end-all device we were expecting. Isabel Aguilera, Google’s chief executive in Spain and Portugal, has admitted...
Filed in: Mobiles
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