Tag Archives : 04.11.08

04.11.08 Unlock Update: No Update

04.11.08 Unlock Update: No Update

iPhone 4 with baseband 04.11.08 and above has no software or hardware based unlock. There were New Gevey Sim and R-Sim but they utilized the same loophole as SAM unlock for iPhone 4 and 4S. The loophole was quickly fixed by Apple. Only people who have backed up their activation tickets would be able...
Filed in: Mobiles
Unlock 04.11.08 and 04.12.01 using Gevey Ultra Available now

Unlock 04.11.08 and 04.12.01 using Gevey Ultra Available now

Great day today for unlockers, firstly the free unlock via SAM (Link) and then Applenberry finally anouncing the new Gevey Sim ultra, which would unlock 04.11.08 and 04.12.01 iPhone baseband for good! Before buying Gevey Sim though, make sure you first try to unlock your device using SAM first(Link...
Filed in: Gadgets, Internet, Mobiles
04.11.08 Unlock Update: R-Sim Delayed again, No sign of Gevey Sim

04.11.08 Unlock Update: R-Sim Delayed again, No sign of Gevey Sim

Although AT&T have started unlocking iPhones, It seems that many people still R-Sim, Gevey Sim or any software unlock to unlock their iPhone 4 04.11.08 baseband. Many of the iPhones are not on AT&T, reported as stolen and no-contract and therefore requires other unlocking mechanisms. R-Sim generation...
Filed in: General, Mobiles
Unlock off-contract iPhones officially via AT&T internationally (How to)

Unlock off-contract iPhones officially via AT&T internationally (How to)

Finally some good news for all the unlockers out there, we can now unlock iPhones officially by calling AT&T if the iPhone is off-contract. All it takes is a 15 min call to AT&T and they would open a case to unlock your iPhone. It is possible to unlock iPhones purchased via sites like eBay or...
Filed in: General, Mobiles
04.11.08 Unlock Update: R-Sim Generation 4 promises to unlock 04.11.08 to be available soon

04.11.08 Unlock Update: R-Sim Generation 4 promises to unlock 04.11.08 to be available soon

The wait finally seems to be over. People at EachSupplier are going to distribute new R-Sim 4th generation for iPhone 4 04.11.08 baseband. R-Sim works like gevey sim, another popular sim interposer by Applenberry. The new R-Sim is speculated to be out in some weeks time, and would bring relief to hundreds of...
Filed in: Mobiles
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