Archive : General

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Unlock off-contract iPhones officially via AT&T internationally (How to)

Unlock off-contract iPhones officially via AT&T internationally (How to)

Finally some good news for all the unlockers out there, we can now unlock iPhones officially by calling AT&T if the iPhone is off-contract. All it takes is a 15 min call to AT&T and they would open a case to unlock your iPhone. It is possible to unlock iPhones purchased via sites like eBay or...
Filed in: General, Mobiles
Download Aero like App Switcher for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Download Aero like App Switcher for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

One more reason to jailbreak your iPhone – You can now get Aero like task switcher for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Dubbed as Aero, the app has 6 animation styles (Rotary, CoverFlow, Linear, Cylinder, Wheel and Time Machine ). Available for $1.99 in Cydia Store via modmyi repo. To get more...
Filed in: General, Mobiles
Jailbreaking Basics: What are SHSH blobs and why/how to save them

Jailbreaking Basics: What are SHSH blobs and why/how to save them

What are SHSH blobs? SHSH blob is shot form of Signature HaSH blob made by Apple to restrict downgrading of iOS firmware. It is a plist of different blobs, where each blob represents a specific part of software or hardware. Apple generates these SHSH blobs when a device tries to restore the device to...
Filed in: General, Mobiles
Jailbreaking Basics: What is DFU mode and how to put any Apple device in DFU mode?

Jailbreaking Basics: What is DFU mode and how to put any Apple device in DFU mode?

From today, we are going to start some basic to-the-point tutorials that is required before you dive into iPhone jailbreaking scene. We will start with DFU mode-What is DFU mode, How to differentiate between DFU and Recovery Mode, and how to enter DFU mode. What is DFU mode? DFU mode is a special mode...
Filed in: General, Mobiles
04.11.08 Unlock Update: Gevey still not available, New rumors regarding SHSH downgrade servers

04.11.08 Unlock Update: Gevey still not available, New rumors regarding SHSH downgrade servers

Lets face it..After months of waiting, we still don’t have any real unlock  for 04.11.08. Applenberry are working on gevey sim 2 for almost two months and they are nowhere near unlocking 04.11.08 baseband. Recently, there are some rumors regarding chinese servers which allows you to downgrade...
Filed in: General, Mobiles
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