Update 1: Blacksn0w launched. Check out the step by step guide to use Blacksn0w to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3.1.2 baseband 05.11.07
Update 2: BlackRa1n works with every iPhone and iPod touch model out there. However for some models of iPod Touch, it is still tethered. The steps are almost same for all devices.
iPhone 3G and 3GS users running 3.1.2 firmware can unlock and jailbreak their iPhones using a new tool released by GeoHot named Blacksnow (or blacksn0w).
According to his latest blog post, he wrote that he is working on a new tool called Blacksn0w, which will enable users on 05.11.07 baseband to unlock and jailbreak their iPhone 3g and 3GS. The software is still not ready and would take some time to be released.
GeoHot released a screenshot on his blog confirming the arrival of Blacksn0w.
Lets see if GeoHot can release it before iPhone dev Team. 🙂
Update: BlackSnow (or Blacksn0w) will be out on November 4th,2009. Stay Tuned. Blacksn0w launched. Check out the next update guide.
Update: Check out the step by step guide to use Blacksn0w to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3.1.2 baseband 05.11.07
For more such updates on iPhone jailbreaking and unlocking, subscribe to technoNix via email or connect with us via our facebook fan page.
OMG Blacksnow is the best since sat my iphone 3updated in itunes its been two days now i trying to fix my phone because it went in simlock i tried everything ziphone ,winpwn ,redsnow nothing worked i was goin to send it to fix today then i saw blacksnow wil be released today it was god send I restored the iphone in itunes the download black rain it unlocked the phone then i search black snow and the band worked so my phone is fixed and i saved some moneyy yayy to blacksnow i will sure donate something to the black rain guys when i get money on my credit card
Hi Rinell,
Thanks for the comment. Yes I agree that it is indeed a life saver. GeoHot has done a remarkable job. Blackra1n is simple and does the trick. Cheers.
P.S: Check out step by step guide to use Blackra1n or Blacksn0w here: http://www.technonix.com/2009/11/unlock-and-jai…
do u have a number so u can help me
hey do u think u can help me???
yo dude ow u download blacksnow im kinda stupid i dont understand it
its work with Ipod touch 3rd generation?
Yes. It works. Blackra1n works with every iPhone and iPod device out there!
I have not really chseon what kind of specialists I would like to work under, but I do believe that it would be fun to work in a Psychiatrist’s office. I originally was going for my B.A. in Psychology, but switched. There are so many to choose from that sound absolutely interesting. Such as working under an Internist or going simple and working under a Family practitioner. Even Gerontologist sounds like fun. I love the “aging population” and they have stories and much to teach.For the moment I am going to take this degree one step at a time and try to find the place that fits me best.
I tried this today but whenever I power off and restart iphone, it will have to ask me to connec to itunes..any feedback?
Type your reply…
This means that the iPhone is stuck at recovery mode. Use the following link to get out of recovery mode: http://bit.ly/8b5dl
if that does not help, try restoring and jailbreaking again. Make sure you are restoring to original 3.1.2 firmware and not custom made by PwnageTool
Ah you have the new iPhone 3GS. Apple updated the bootrom and hence the jailbreak is tethered (for now). That means you'll have to use Blackra1n everytime you reboot your device. So when you reboot, use blackra1n to re-jailbreak your device. You'll get the signals back as blacksn0w would already be installed.
You don't have to upgrade again and again. Just run Blackra1n and it'll be fine!
iPhone 2g version 3.1.2 firmware 04.05.04 how do i unlock it?
upgrade to official 3.1.2 firmware using iTunes. Then follow the guide here: http://www.technonix.com/2009/11/unlock-and-jai…
If you have any problem then feel free to contact me. Thanks for the comment
Hi Reshadat……..still confused with the unlock for 2g when Blackra1n is used to jailbreak. Am afraid to upgrade to 3.1.2………kindly help
Just follow the guide above. You'll be able to do it. I used it with my iPhone 2G and it works great
Hi – I just followed the instruction above for my 2G. The Snow option doesn't appear. I finally saw that note in teh last part of the instruction. Then does this mean that the phone can't be unlocked and is only Jailbroken? Please help… Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.
Many thnaks!
Reshadat can u help plz?
I have the lastest firmware from itunes on my 3gs and i used blacksnow to jailbreak (which worked fine) but i keep getting stuck at recovery mode when i turn my iphone off. i tired using the irecovery tool but i must be doing something wrong as i can't get it to reboot without going into recovery. Any guidance here?
Yes run blackrain again when you plug your phone up. It will take the reboot out and you'll be good to go.
Reshadat can u help plz?
I have the lastest firmware from itunes on my 3gs and i used blacksnow to jailbreak (which worked fine) but i keep getting stuck at recovery mode when i turn my iphone off. i tired using the irecovery tool but i must be doing something wrong as i can't get it to reboot without going into recovery. Any guidance here?
You must be having latest iPhone 3GS. Apple updated the bootrom due to which currently the newer models of iPhone 3GS are tethered. That means they'll loose Jailbreak as soon as they are restarted. You'll have to use blackra1n again and every time you start your device.
That may change in future when new tools are launched. Do keep checking technonix.com or subscribe to the feeds. we'll update you when there are new tools available!
Same problem on my ipod touch 3.
thanks so much blacksnow
I can download blackrain onto my iphone but…..I am in Australia & I have an AT&T iphone, the firmware it 3.1.2(7D11), blackrain allows other networks but when I put my australian simcard in, it says Different SIM detected Please connect to iTunes. I can receive calls – but then is says Emergency Calls only. When I connect to iTunes, its says 'the sim card inserted in this iphone does not appear to be supported'. Blackrain cant work with at&t sim as I cant connect to internet & cydia,snow does not appear on app anyway. If you can help please do…
Try using blackra1n without the sim card. That should do the trick
hello-thank for doing this. i have an 3g firmware 3.1.2(7D11) jailbroken with ultrasnow, working fine, tried to unlock with blacksnow but now the phone is frozen!! restarted multiple times but unable to get pass the beginning pineapple sign…any and all help much appreciated!!
Try restoring it to original apple firmware and then using blackra1n.
i jus gotta a new iphone 16GB 3Gs with the new bootrom and im having the same tethered jailbreak problem as everyone. i also understand that i have to make it rain every time i reboot. But what is this blacksnow all about? what does it unlock the iphone for? (im a newbie pls help, Thanks)
Unlocking means that you can use any carrier with iPhone. So if you plan to use any other carrier than AT&T, then you'll have to unlock.
Jailbreaking the iPhone allows it to run unofficial apps and have more application repositories like Cydia.
So if you need any one of these, you'll need blackra1n. It does both unlocking and jailbreaking. Follow the guide above if you need to
hey thanks a lot guys.. great work.
Hi is the blacksnow jailbreak untethered?
For new iPhone 3GS having updated bootrom and MC models- it is still tethered.
Hi, If i chose unlock will i be able to use my AT&T sim still? Is it a good idea to unlock it even if i plan on using my ATT sim. For instance if something happens and i have to borrow someone else's sim then i can just pop it in. is this a good idea, or should i not bother unlocking if this is the case?
Yes you can do that. There won't be any problem
Thanks for commenting
I have 3g 16gb I follow all those blackrain steps, install blacksnow still no service when I use my tmoblie sim someone plz help
Did you turned of 3G?
hele geo! thank you very much. i would like to contribute something for further development but i dont have a credit card. So what should i do?
my i phone v 3.1.2 with baseband 05.11.07 and bootloade 06.02 have been jailbroken and unlocked with black snow. You are greeeeeeeeeeeet man
i recently by mistake upgrade my iphone 3GS to 3.1.3 firmware 5.12.1 base can u pls advice me on how i can unlock it pls
You'll have to wait for new unlocking tools
I jailbreak and customize iphones as a hobby. I recently obtained one from someone (3G 8GB) and I CANNOT install blackra1n on it. I ended up using sn0wbreeze (downgrading it to 3.1.2). It's now jailbroken but blacksnow still didn't install. I went to cydia and used the blackra1n repo, reinstalled blacksnow, restated it a million times, I tried ultrasnow (but my base band is too current) blacksnow will just not install. period. I tried having the 3G off I've tried every tip i can find. What could this be? anyone?
What is the baseband version? 5.12.01?
I am having the same problem. I'm not too smart about this stuff.. I've been jailbreaking my own iPhones for a long time now, but I'm about to take it to the hindus at the mall and just pay them to do it. I'm too frustrated at this point.
What is your baseband version? Did your iPhone came with 3.1.3 preinstalled? Is it iphone 2G, 3G or 3GS?
i dont know if you know but since its a 3G u can download fuzzyband to downgrade ur baseband i have the same problem but im shit out of luck cause i have a 3Gs so baseband is 05.12..01 and i cant unlock my phone but i atleast jailbroke it
Hi Reshadat!
I have an IPhone 3G with 3.1.2 installed and 5.11.07 baseband (Unlocked but NOT Jailbroken).My two questions:
1)My Iphones serial number's 3rd 4th and 5th digit are “947”.Will i still be able to do UNTETHERED JAILBREAK using your above guide?
2)Secondly abt this new bootrom/iboot issue..is this with the only 3G-S? or are there any 3G iphones too which might have new bootrooms and end up finally with a “TETHERED JAILBREAK”?
Please help!
Hi Ali,
Are you sure your iPhone is unlocked but not jailbroken? Is it a factory unlocked phone. Because we need to jailbreak the phone if it is to be unlocked. You cannot unlock an iPhone before jailbreaking it unless it is a factory unloked iPhone.
And you need to know the first two letters of your serial number. If it is MB then it is fine. If its MC, then you'll end up with tethered jailbreak. However, iPhone 3G have untethered jailbreak. Only 3GS have serial number starting with MC.
There may be generational difference or just ignorance here for me. Safari would not allow software/website to be run on phone. Then tried computer. Said sucessful. Still no app on phone. Getting frustrated with it. Certainly trying, but the couch is looking better by the moment.
Hi, can you just unlock the iphone without jailbreaking?
Thanks Adam
No its not possible….
Yes Im wondering if it is possible to unlock without jailbreaking too? Anyone know?
No its not possible….You can jailbreak without unlock but you cannot unlock without jailbreak
i have an iphone 3g and its frozen when i install try to unlock with blacksnow what can i do in that case???
Iphone 3g 8G
Baseband 5.11.07
os. 3.1.3 jailbreak
yes i have the same problem. When I reset it and turn it on again, it shows an apple logo for few minutes then the spinning wheel comes come with the apple logo still on the screen. Then, it freezes with those two on the screen. I tried restoring it and jailbreak it again then same thing happens.
Iphone 3g 8G
Baseband 5.11.07
3.1.3 jailbroken with spirit
Blacksn0w still not compatible with 3.1.3. Wait for it to get updated
i had the same problem as you but my phone wont connect to i tunes so i cant restore. can you help me?
Blacksn0w still not compatible with 3.1.3. Wait for it to get updated
Yes you can.
Yes you can!
I have an iPhone 3g and I was wodering if I can still use AT&T with blackrain??
Can you still use AT&T with blacksn0w???
Yes you can
What do you mean unlock it. Plz help…
iPhone comes locked with a particular carrier. Unlock means that you can use any sim with your iPhone
i have an iphone 3g 3.0 baseband 04.26.08 i dont have the original sim as bought it on ebay pre unlocked, i want to re-jailbreak it as cydia stopped working while still keeping it unlocked so i can use my meteor sim (im in ireland) will Blackr1an work for me ?
I just had my unlocked iphone 3g replaced under warranty….now I have a new 3g with the 5.12.01 base & the 3.1.3 firmware. The guy at Apple set evrything up and activated it…I decided to upgrade to iOS 4.0 and now it wants an AT&T SIM card?!?
After much reading, it looks like I should not have upgraded to 4.0 and I may have to downgrade to 3.1.2 & the 5.11.07 base……
So, a couple of questions:
First, how do I reactivate the phone now (tmobile sim). If I cant activate it how do I go back to 3.1.3? Basically it is stuck in “emergency call” mode…How do I get out of here???
Second, is it safe to download the older 3.1.2 firmware & 5.11.07 base? What is the best way to do that? Also, are (7E18) after the version number important when downloading the 3.1.2 software?
followed all the steps and then when i download blacksnow it cannot find my sim card in the phone? what am i doing wrong… im on fido is that the problem?
Love it, thanks!
thank you very much
This is really easy way to do this..
this fucked up my phone.