iPhone Dev Team finally released Ultrasnow (ultrasn0w) , a tool which can be used to unlock and jailbreak iPhone 3G 3.0. The method is simple and as usual we have a step by step guide for that:
- Jailbreak your iPhone 3G 3.0 using PwnageTool or redsnow(redsn0w). You may use the step by step guides for redsn0w unlocking and PwangeTool Unlocking.
- Run Cydia or Icy installed on your iPhone.
- Add repo repo666.ultrasn0w.com to Cydia or icy.
- Search for ‘ultrasn0w‘ and install it.
- If you are a TMobile user, then disable 3G first.
- Reboot your iPhone 3G.
Enjoy your unlocked iPhone 3G 🙂
why cant u use the 3G for t-mobile users??